Tuesday, 3 September 2019

August 2019 Update


At iReka, we do lot of learning besides of development for clients. We focus on certain jobs but we keep updating with the latest tech and trends.

For example we do learn more about Flutter and Vue. These tech are not officially what we can serve to the clients but we take time to know about the technologies and see what kind of problems it suits most.


Currently the project we are doing is the web system, for a government sector. The task is to modernizing the 'ancient' system from using old framework-less PHP.

We are using Laravel (MVC PHP Framework) which helps to accelerate the development time. Combining with ReactJS to make the user interface more dynamic, and be able to manipulate JSON more effectively.

Of course, as usual, we started with plan, need to know what is their current UX, how it's works and how to make a new system solve the problem like the current system does. We used 'design sprint' method to gather requirement and external designs. This guide us to make the web program more clearly.

But like other previous project, challenge is still challenge. Some part need to refactorize properly to make sure the app can be developed efficiently and have less bugs.

So here you go our summary what happen in August. It's a Malaysia's independance month, and we are happy that our nation is keep rising and nourishing.

Until next post,