Ramai orang pakai Android!
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Project Management - Overview
Project Management is a key for any kind of project we do, even without we really plan it. Really. Without PM, at least in mind, it's hard to get something to go-to-market.
Flow of Project Management Process
1. Initiate
2. Planning
3. Executing
4. Controlling
5. Closing
Lets go deeper on each section
1. Initiate
Usually this come from the idea. Thought. The need to do something or some prospect want us to help them to build somehting.
2. Planning
This is part is 'renyah'/ pain in the butt. Why not we just kick that off right to development right? Yeah, as we grow older and matured. We pretty much make many projects. And yet, this one is kind of similar to previous one but, we want make this next project will be better and more polished. How we want to plan to use our time. We have lot of time but we forget what should we do. Some time we know to start but not finished it.
Have a deadline is important. Or at least set when it should be done. And sometime of course we hit it. We cannot do on time, sound familiar? And even we scrap the project due to valid reason. Yeah we have the experience. And we hope don't want to make that kind of problem.
It's easy to initiate a project that to be abandon. We want to plan on how we can finish the project.
3. Executing
This is a process that is require skill, talents, Googling and bravety to ask. And of course hard work.
It is advisable you do the 'feasability study' to know weather you capable to do the project or not.
4. Controlling
This is what I can say as to measure how to progress is going. Using tool like, many on the net, Asana, Trello, you name it. This is where we communicate about the progress we are doing. Weather on time, late, or early.
We propose to use a Numbers file which consist 'Project Charter' and 'Timeline'.
5. Closing
Time to celebrate right? Yes if it is a client project, they will do the next step which is marketing. We have to market our product. Let people know, understand, like, love and be our raving fan.
BONUS: Download Project Management File
Flow of Project Management Process
1. Initiate
2. Planning
3. Executing
4. Controlling
5. Closing
Lets go deeper on each section
1. Initiate
Usually this come from the idea. Thought. The need to do something or some prospect want us to help them to build somehting.
2. Planning
This is part is 'renyah'/ pain in the butt. Why not we just kick that off right to development right? Yeah, as we grow older and matured. We pretty much make many projects. And yet, this one is kind of similar to previous one but, we want make this next project will be better and more polished. How we want to plan to use our time. We have lot of time but we forget what should we do. Some time we know to start but not finished it.
Have a deadline is important. Or at least set when it should be done. And sometime of course we hit it. We cannot do on time, sound familiar? And even we scrap the project due to valid reason. Yeah we have the experience. And we hope don't want to make that kind of problem.
It's easy to initiate a project that to be abandon. We want to plan on how we can finish the project.
3. Executing
This is a process that is require skill, talents, Googling and bravety to ask. And of course hard work.
It is advisable you do the 'feasability study' to know weather you capable to do the project or not.
4. Controlling
This is what I can say as to measure how to progress is going. Using tool like, many on the net, Asana, Trello, you name it. This is where we communicate about the progress we are doing. Weather on time, late, or early.
We propose to use a Numbers file which consist 'Project Charter' and 'Timeline'.
5. Closing
Time to celebrate right? Yes if it is a client project, they will do the next step which is marketing. We have to market our product. Let people know, understand, like, love and be our raving fan.
BONUS: Download Project Management File
[Video] 3 Questions for Yourself
Mindvalley is international-cultured company that eventually located in Malaysia. And it has an amazing workplace and culture. Founder of the company is Vishen Lakhiani.
What interesting is, his mission is to make education system better. Well, he envisioned that education system should bring the extraordinary within people rather than just create people that become a normal livingful people that work on 9-5.
In this video they talk about their spiritual insight of the year.
3 Questions to ask yourself;
1. When was the last time you experience 'heaven on earth'?
2. If you had a magic wand, you can wave that wand anything could happen, what would you want to wave that wand at to create 'heaven on earth'?
3. So, what can you now do that small and easily doable, that you can do today, to help you bring about your idea of 'heaven on earth'?
What interesting is, his mission is to make education system better. Well, he envisioned that education system should bring the extraordinary within people rather than just create people that become a normal livingful people that work on 9-5.
In this video they talk about their spiritual insight of the year.
3 Questions to ask yourself;
1. When was the last time you experience 'heaven on earth'?
2. If you had a magic wand, you can wave that wand anything could happen, what would you want to wave that wand at to create 'heaven on earth'?
3. So, what can you now do that small and easily doable, that you can do today, to help you bring about your idea of 'heaven on earth'?
Android Studio 2.0
Android Dev Summit held at Computer History Museum in California.
The main thing introduced was the Android Studio 2.0 with vastly improve life as developer.
• Faster, better emulator
• Instant run - tweak something, no rebuild, updated quickly
The main thing introduced was the Android Studio 2.0 with vastly improve life as developer.
• Faster, better emulator
• Instant run - tweak something, no rebuild, updated quickly
Anatomy of Responsive Website
I'm investigating of some of latest trend of responsive website by Google.
Here is the infographic for a responsive page.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
iPad Pro - Apa Kelebihannya?
iPad Pro.
Saya ada 3 iPad; iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen Retina Display, dan iPad mini retina display.
Selepas itu nafsu nak beli iPad sudah tiada. Mungkin kerana tiada lagi evolusi yang menarik tentang iPad.
Namun iPad Pro yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2015 ini memberikan sedikit kelainan bila kita berfikir tentang iPad.
iPad Pro, secara umumnya adalah iPad yang lebih besar. Basically, skrinnya besar. Sebesar laptop Macbook Pro 13". Bayangkan anda tarik skrin laptop anda, dan ia jadi iPad Pro. LOL.
Jadi iPad Pro boleh jadi display yang bagus, untuk menonton video, beramai-ramai mungkin. Membaca buku (?) dan sebagainya. Ya, bagus untuk buat presentation ad-hoc. Atau untuk diletakan di booth, atau sebagai display dekat mall. Yelah, lebih besar dari iPad biasa dan saiznya lebih sesuai.
Saya pernah tengok penggunaan iPad biasa di Suria KLCC. Terasa iPad itu agak kecil untuk dibuat sebagai penunjuk arah digital. Kalau pakai Windows based solution, bapak besar TV pun boleh digunakan. So apa lagi cari peluang mall mana nak pakai iPad Pro ini.
OK, selain dari display yang besar. Ia ada kelebihan lain, iaitu boleh digunakan dengan stylus terbaru dari Apple iaitu Apple Pencil. Memang betul-lah kenapa dia dipanggil sebagai pencil bukan pen or stylus. Saya akan cerita lebih lanjut (hint: tengok video di bawah).
iPad Pro baru ni membuka ruang yang lebih serius untuk bersaing dalam kategori professional tablet yang sekarang ini di dominasi oleh Wacom. Ada juga artis guna Microsoft Surface, itu pun bagus juga untuk menconteng. Lebih dari itu, iPad Pro dikatakan dapat memberikan lebih peluang untuk mengekspresikan cara untuk melukis.
Jadi perlukah anda memilikinya. Kalau anda seorang artis illustrator, pasti berbaloi memilikinya sebab anda akan dapat balik ROI nya sooner or later.
Kalau bukan artis, sekadar pengguna biasa, gunalah PC or MacBook yang ada sekarang. Pesan untuk diri juga ni. ;)
Sebab ia ada berkaitan dengan ekonomi 2015 sekarang ini. USD sangat kuat berbanding RM. Jadi harga dia nampak mencekik. Tapi kalau anda berniaga or buat duit dengan USD, jom tingkatkan usaha untuk mengaut-gaut USD.
Ada rezeki akan ku milikimu iPad Pro! ... dan Apple Pencil.
Saya ada 3 iPad; iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen Retina Display, dan iPad mini retina display.
Selepas itu nafsu nak beli iPad sudah tiada. Mungkin kerana tiada lagi evolusi yang menarik tentang iPad.
Namun iPad Pro yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2015 ini memberikan sedikit kelainan bila kita berfikir tentang iPad.
iPad Pro, secara umumnya adalah iPad yang lebih besar. Basically, skrinnya besar. Sebesar laptop Macbook Pro 13". Bayangkan anda tarik skrin laptop anda, dan ia jadi iPad Pro. LOL.
Jadi iPad Pro boleh jadi display yang bagus, untuk menonton video, beramai-ramai mungkin. Membaca buku (?) dan sebagainya. Ya, bagus untuk buat presentation ad-hoc. Atau untuk diletakan di booth, atau sebagai display dekat mall. Yelah, lebih besar dari iPad biasa dan saiznya lebih sesuai.
Saya pernah tengok penggunaan iPad biasa di Suria KLCC. Terasa iPad itu agak kecil untuk dibuat sebagai penunjuk arah digital. Kalau pakai Windows based solution, bapak besar TV pun boleh digunakan. So apa lagi cari peluang mall mana nak pakai iPad Pro ini.
OK, selain dari display yang besar. Ia ada kelebihan lain, iaitu boleh digunakan dengan stylus terbaru dari Apple iaitu Apple Pencil. Memang betul-lah kenapa dia dipanggil sebagai pencil bukan pen or stylus. Saya akan cerita lebih lanjut (hint: tengok video di bawah).
iPad Pro baru ni membuka ruang yang lebih serius untuk bersaing dalam kategori professional tablet yang sekarang ini di dominasi oleh Wacom. Ada juga artis guna Microsoft Surface, itu pun bagus juga untuk menconteng. Lebih dari itu, iPad Pro dikatakan dapat memberikan lebih peluang untuk mengekspresikan cara untuk melukis.
Jadi perlukah anda memilikinya. Kalau anda seorang artis illustrator, pasti berbaloi memilikinya sebab anda akan dapat balik ROI nya sooner or later.
Kalau bukan artis, sekadar pengguna biasa, gunalah PC or MacBook yang ada sekarang. Pesan untuk diri juga ni. ;)
Sebab ia ada berkaitan dengan ekonomi 2015 sekarang ini. USD sangat kuat berbanding RM. Jadi harga dia nampak mencekik. Tapi kalau anda berniaga or buat duit dengan USD, jom tingkatkan usaha untuk mengaut-gaut USD.
Ada rezeki akan ku milikimu iPad Pro! ... dan Apple Pencil.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Apple TV - Generasi ke-4.
Today I got a hand of a brand new Apple TV, 4th Generation.
Checkout my unboxing and some walkthrough.
Tutorial Membangun Aplikasi Apple TV
Checkout my unboxing and some walkthrough.
Tutorial Membangun Aplikasi Apple TV
iReka Soft Android App
We have been digging, learning Android Studio from mid of 2015 and it's still an awesome journey. The IDE is somewhat on par with Xcode. However the emulator is still sucks, you need to have an actual device to do development.
We are currently make an app using drawer, with recycler view.
I decide to open source the app.
You may find at github https://github.com/irekasoft/DrawerMenu-iRekaSoft
We are currently make an app using drawer, with recycler view.
I decide to open source the app.
You may find at github https://github.com/irekasoft/DrawerMenu-iRekaSoft
Monday, 23 November 2015
LittleAvicenna.com [UPDATE]
Why not add some background color, jumbotron color.
Make use the glyph and add the latest promotion to help people to discover what the latest update for the kindergarten.
And don't forget the Google Maps to find the place to help people to find the place easily.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Alhamdulillah, we have been given an opportunity to start up a new website for my friend who I knew from Dr Azizan Osman program, IMKK Sept and seen him again for MMM Oct 2015.
It is a pleassure to introduce new site that we have commited to start off. A mini website that can help to boost confidence to his prospect in business.
Please welcome AlHaddadMarketingJapan.com
We are at beginning to develop more contents and interestingly to put multi language especially in Japanese language.
If you need free consultation on put your brand online please don't hesistate to email hijazi@irekasoft.com or WhatsApp me at +6016 337 3081
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
It is important to have your business online. It very cruicial for your prospect who are looking exactly for you. I people cannot find what you giving a good value you are sinned (in business perspective).
I just bring yet another friend pf mind to have their own business site too. He is an owner to an Islamic kindergarten in Shah Alam.
Web start small, yet very informative and reachable to exact information. As the business grow, so as the website. And mobile friendly too.
Lets make it great soon.
Latest Apps
Today we published 2 new different apps on Google Play and App Store.
Google Play
「Love Holidays」
App Store
Nota Magnet by iReka Soft
App iReka Soft Bakal Turun Harga
Pada tarikh 20 November, beremperna tarikh ulang-tahun kelahiran pengasas iReka Soft, En Muhammad Hijazi, kami berbesar hati untuk menurun-nurun kan harga aplikasi-aplikasi poplular dan berbayar kami kepada FREE untuk aplikasi berikut:
- FaceClock Pro View on App Store
- FaceLapse View on App Store
- Kamus View on App Store
- Simple Travel List View on App Store
Semperna mengingati pengorbanan seorang ibu bernama Hasnah Ishak yang bersusah payah melahirkan beliau pada 28 tahun yang lalu. Lalu anak tersebut dibesarkan dengan penuh kasih sayang dan didikan.
Beliau terus belajar dalam bidang yang digemari beliau iaitu berkaitan komputer. Beliau start membuat aplikasi komputer menggunakan HTML dan Flash. Dan terus suka untuk mencari ilmu komputer seterus nya ilmu kemanusiaan dan seterusnya ilmu perniagaan. Bukan mudah untuk menempuhi cabaran dalam kehidupan yang beliau jalani sebagai usahawan digital.
Kami di iReka Soft, sememangnya cakna dengan masalah pengguna smartphone di serata dunia, dengan membantu mereka dengan mereka bentuk aplikasi yang dapat membantu mereka melihat waktu analog secara elegant, membantu mereka merakam kan memori indah secara berkala, melihat makna perkataan dalam bahasa Inggeri kepada bahasa Melayu, dan juga membantu menyenaraikan keperluan mereka untuk bercuti dengan mudah.
Kami berharap agar kami diberi kekuatan untuk terus menyumbang, membantu individu yang mempunyai masalah agar diberikan ilham untuk mereka bentuk aplikasi khas untuk mereka.
Friday, 13 November 2015
iAd Hiccup
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Konsultansi Percuma Pembangunan Website
Hari ini saya siapkan front page untuk website rakan saya dari syarikat kreatif animasi 2d Tudidut Studio. Syarikat ni beroperasi di Atmosphere Seri Kembangan.
Boleh layari di tudidutstudio.com
Boleh layari di tudidutstudio.com
Khidmat yang iReka Soft berikan secara PERCUMA adalah:
• Pemilihan syarikat hosting yang ada
• Nasihat pembelian domain dan server
• Instalasi sistem blog
• Pembangunan simple frontpage untuk link ke Facebook, blog juga terdapat maklumat email.
Pembangunan website yang lebih sofisikated sedang dalam proses pembincangan di mana kami perlu tahu apa matlamat dan keperluan syarikat untuk menyampaikan apa kandungan maklumat kepada pelawat.
Saya boleh bantu anda juga untuk membina simple website atau mobile apps. Whatsapp Hijazi di +6016 337 3081
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Code Highilighting
Escape the HTML Code
Escape the HTML Code
<pre class="brush: js"> #########YOUR CODE######## </pre>
// Comment public class Testing { public Testing() { } public void Method() { /* Another Comment on multiple lines */ int x = 9; } }
Swift 2.0
On 2015 WWDC, Apple announced Swift 2.0. This new version has even better performance, a new error handling API, and first-class support for availability checking. And platform APIs feel even more natural in Swift with enhancements to the Apple SDKs.
Open Source- Swift source code will be released under an OSI-approved permissive license.
- Contributions from the community will be accepted — and encouraged.
- At launch Apple intend to contribute ports for OS X, iOS, and Linux.
- Source code will include the Swift compiler and standard library.
- Apple thinks it would be amazing for Swift to be on all your favorite platforms.
In addition to new features, the big news is that Apple will be making Swift open source later this year. Apple is incredibly excited about this, and look forward to giving you a lot more information as the open source release gets nearer. Here is what Apple can tell you so far:
Apple is excited about the opportunities an open source Swift creates for our industry. Baked-in safety features combined with excellent speed mean it has the chance to dramatically improve software versus using C-based languages. Swift is packed with modern features, it’s fun to write, and Apple believe it will get used in a lot of places. Together, Apple has an exciting road ahead.
Swift 2.0 also includes a lot of new language features and refinements. Expect to see blog posts exploring the features in more depth, and be sure to watch for the WWDC sessions covering these topics all this week. A few of the new features include:
Error handling model: The new error handling model in Swift 2.0 will instantly feel natural, with familiar try, throw, and catch keywords. Best of all, it was designed to work perfectly with the Apple SDKs and NSError. In fact, NSError conforms to a Swift’s ErrorType. You’ll definitely want to watch the WWDC session on What’s New in Swift to hear more about it.
Availability: Using the latest SDKs ensures you get access to new features and information about platform changes. But sometimes you still need to target an older OS, and Swift makes doing so much easier and safer. The Swift compiler now shows an error when you use an API that is too new for your target OS, and #available blocks can safely wrap lines of code to only run when on the right OS versions.
Protocol extensions: Swift is very focused on protocol-oriented development — there’s even a session on the topic at WWDC 2015. Swift 2.0 adds protocol extensions, and the standard library itself uses them extensively. Where you used to use global functions, Swift 2.0 now adds methods to common types so functions chain naturally, and your code is much more readable.
Swift-er SDKs: Swift 2 works even better with the Apple SDKs, thanks in part to two new features in Objective-C: nullability annotations and generics. The SDKs have been updated to annotate API that cannot return nil so you don’t need to use optionals as often. And with a true generics system employed by the SDKs you can more often preserve detailed type information in your Swift 2 code.
This is just a taste of what’s new in Swift 2. You can download the latest version of The Swift Programming Languagefrom the iBooks Store, and be sure to watch the WWDC sessions live streamed and on video throughout the week. And to read more, visit http://developer.apple.com/swift
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