Hello guys,
So I recently join an workshop with my fellow friends at Arleta as a instructor for AR app development with Unity and Vuforia.
I have experience doing Unity with Vuforia to test out the Augmented Reality. I have deployed on my iPhone as well to test it out on device and work out wonderfully.
However the challenge was, I didn't have a modules at first, but with the help from previous Arleta team member, there was an old module that teach Frog Lifecycle. So base on that, I take the idea from Jigspace as an Augmented Reality platform for learning. What it's shine is using AR to conveying educational contents one-by-one by pressing next button.
Fast forward, the team and I did it. We had taught what it should to be taught in 2 days. And after that students have to build their own content and present. And the presentations by students were not bad at all. Many can use the core concept of AR. Moreover, there is excellent students who make use that with more solid AR idea, using 2D plan, and using AR to make it to 3D plan. How cool is that.
Yeah, I am satisfied with the modules we created. But it's specially created for educators and not neccessarily can code.
So maybe next time I can teach you how to make AR app with Unity and Vuforia.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
PRU14, QS and AR
Salam guys,
So hari ni saya nak tulis in BM, Bahasa Melayu. Semperna PRU14 ni, rakyat Malaysia, umumnya, amat bergembira dengan pembaharuan Malaysia #MalaysiaBaru. Ya, tuan-tuan, kita sememangnya amat bertuah di bumi bertuah ini tetapi jika ditadbir oleh orang lebih berwibawa pastinya lebih bertuah tanah tumpah darah kita ini. Betul ke betul?
Marilah kita berganding bahu untuk mebina diri, keluarga, bangsa, agama dan neraga yang lebih gemilang, cermerlang dan terbilang. Kita sama-sama mainkan peranan dengan apa kelebihan yang kita miliki. Kita semua ada kelebihan masing-masing, asah ia, jadikan ia sebagai satu kekuatan dan seterusnya menjadi unfair advantage kita untuk menempuh masa-masa sekarang dan akan datang. Kalau belum jumpa lagi tu, cari lagi bro.
QS, sedar tak sedar dah nak masuk 3 tahun, QS tu nama singkatan anak saya. Dan kebetulan juga saya ada iReka Soft Enterprise pun dah masuk 3 tahun bulan ini. Pergh, sedar tak sedar kan, tapi perjalan ia amat menyeronokan, walaupun ada yang kurang best, tapi best lagi banyak dan saya amat bersyukur. Terima kasih semua.
QS, ni nampaknya dah pandai bersembang-sembang, umur nak masuk 3 tahun kan, pandai sebut pelbagai jenis perkataan, ada Melayu, ada English ada juga bahasa Jepun, tak lupa juga pandai baca doa dalam bahasa Arab. Kiranya multi-lingual juga dia. Hebat-hebat. Sebutan perkataan yang disebutkan makin lama makin jelas. Dan, pada umur lebih kurang ini juga dia sememangnya waktu 'membelajar' perkataan baru, dan banyak bertanya-tanya 'itu apa', 'apa tu', 'what is that?', sebagai parent kita lah yang banyak sebut perkataan-perkataan baru dan ajar dia. 'Oooo <perkataan baru tu>...'.. :) Memang best lah kan kalau kita ajar anak kita macam-macam dan dia pick-up. Macam saya banyakan cakap perkataan baru dalam bahasa Jepun, dan disebut ulang-ulang. Lama-lama dia boleh ingat. Mungkin awalnya dia 'blur' apa maksudnya, tapi bila diulang-ulang pada sesuatu konteks, budak akan memahami dari masa ke semasa.
Itu lah dia kisah QS, dalam ReactNative pun ada QS ni, tapi maksud dia 'query string'. Maksud lain pun ada juga 'quality control'.
Alrite, lets go to another topic, AR. AR ni saya ada belajar course ARKit, tapi sekarang ni tak da satu pun app AR yang nak di publishkan, dah belajar dah pun tapi kurang idea untuk dipublishkan. Devices pun ada, tapi rezeki untuk buat benda ni belum ada. On the other hands, ada rakan saya yang berjuang-juangan nak buat AR, nak buat tools untuk orang ramai publish AR. Pening kepala dia, tapi tu lah benda-benda baru ni susah untuk dibangunkan sendiri.
Jadi sebagai orang yang agak suka belajar benda baru ni mungkin nak medalami sedikit sebanyak tentang dunia Unity dengan teknologi AR. Mungkin ada hasilnyakan.
Teknologi ReactNative telah dipelajari 2 bulan nak masuk 3 bulan, walaupun pada awalnya agak stress sedikit tapi dengan bantuan 'logistic' kita, saya dapat tunjuk ajar dari rakan-rakan lain. Juga, sebagai rasa untuk menyumbangkan tenaga untuk mengajar orang-orang disekeliling kita tentang ReactNative juga.
Kalau berminat boleh join meet-up kami di MaGIC, Cyberjaya.
So hari ni saya nak tulis in BM, Bahasa Melayu. Semperna PRU14 ni, rakyat Malaysia, umumnya, amat bergembira dengan pembaharuan Malaysia #MalaysiaBaru. Ya, tuan-tuan, kita sememangnya amat bertuah di bumi bertuah ini tetapi jika ditadbir oleh orang lebih berwibawa pastinya lebih bertuah tanah tumpah darah kita ini. Betul ke betul?
Marilah kita berganding bahu untuk mebina diri, keluarga, bangsa, agama dan neraga yang lebih gemilang, cermerlang dan terbilang. Kita sama-sama mainkan peranan dengan apa kelebihan yang kita miliki. Kita semua ada kelebihan masing-masing, asah ia, jadikan ia sebagai satu kekuatan dan seterusnya menjadi unfair advantage kita untuk menempuh masa-masa sekarang dan akan datang. Kalau belum jumpa lagi tu, cari lagi bro.
QS, sedar tak sedar dah nak masuk 3 tahun, QS tu nama singkatan anak saya. Dan kebetulan juga saya ada iReka Soft Enterprise pun dah masuk 3 tahun bulan ini. Pergh, sedar tak sedar kan, tapi perjalan ia amat menyeronokan, walaupun ada yang kurang best, tapi best lagi banyak dan saya amat bersyukur. Terima kasih semua.
QS, ni nampaknya dah pandai bersembang-sembang, umur nak masuk 3 tahun kan, pandai sebut pelbagai jenis perkataan, ada Melayu, ada English ada juga bahasa Jepun, tak lupa juga pandai baca doa dalam bahasa Arab. Kiranya multi-lingual juga dia. Hebat-hebat. Sebutan perkataan yang disebutkan makin lama makin jelas. Dan, pada umur lebih kurang ini juga dia sememangnya waktu 'membelajar' perkataan baru, dan banyak bertanya-tanya 'itu apa', 'apa tu', 'what is that?', sebagai parent kita lah yang banyak sebut perkataan-perkataan baru dan ajar dia. 'Oooo <perkataan baru tu>...'.. :) Memang best lah kan kalau kita ajar anak kita macam-macam dan dia pick-up. Macam saya banyakan cakap perkataan baru dalam bahasa Jepun, dan disebut ulang-ulang. Lama-lama dia boleh ingat. Mungkin awalnya dia 'blur' apa maksudnya, tapi bila diulang-ulang pada sesuatu konteks, budak akan memahami dari masa ke semasa.
Itu lah dia kisah QS, dalam ReactNative pun ada QS ni, tapi maksud dia 'query string'. Maksud lain pun ada juga 'quality control'.
Alrite, lets go to another topic, AR. AR ni saya ada belajar course ARKit, tapi sekarang ni tak da satu pun app AR yang nak di publishkan, dah belajar dah pun tapi kurang idea untuk dipublishkan. Devices pun ada, tapi rezeki untuk buat benda ni belum ada. On the other hands, ada rakan saya yang berjuang-juangan nak buat AR, nak buat tools untuk orang ramai publish AR. Pening kepala dia, tapi tu lah benda-benda baru ni susah untuk dibangunkan sendiri.
Jadi sebagai orang yang agak suka belajar benda baru ni mungkin nak medalami sedikit sebanyak tentang dunia Unity dengan teknologi AR. Mungkin ada hasilnyakan.
Teknologi ReactNative telah dipelajari 2 bulan nak masuk 3 bulan, walaupun pada awalnya agak stress sedikit tapi dengan bantuan 'logistic' kita, saya dapat tunjuk ajar dari rakan-rakan lain. Juga, sebagai rasa untuk menyumbangkan tenaga untuk mengajar orang-orang disekeliling kita tentang ReactNative juga.
Kalau berminat boleh join meet-up kami di MaGIC, Cyberjaya.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Why Business Owner to Make Mobile Apps
Hello everyone, it's already May in 2018, hopefully, you enjoy your time.
Today, I would like to share something about trending in our society. We are living in the smartphone generation believe it or not. Now everyone has one, or more maybe, but people are very sticking with their smartphones. Well in that sense we understand that how much important smartphone plays roles in our life.
Because of that, as a business owner, don't you think that mostly your customers are like them. Yes, it's. With the right UIUX for your smartphone apps, making apps for your customer is a crucial path to succeed in having a mobile app. Not every app are created equal, the one with the best ingredient will win.
Let we zoom out a little bit, smartphone users are categorized into iOS and Android territories. About 84% of Android and 14% are on iOS in the world. iOS is powering the iPhones are the high-end segments, because the price of iPhone is relatively high. Especially the super high-end iPhone X, it's cost more than RM5000 a piece. And the other side, Android, also has the high-end segment, but it also sells mid and low-end segment. The cheapest one maybe you can get for RM300.
We understand that the duopoly of iOS and Android has segmented customer but both are important segments.
Now, why, and how it differs from another digital medium like a website and social media. We will go one by one.
When a customer Google something on the internet, and they find a website that is a quality customer. It's good because it's there because when they want to find them. However it's still lacking giving the latest information when they want to, and a customer will have a little issue to open the website easily.
Social media, it's the place where people want to pull more followers. It's a great place to obtain new customers. People usually will post great contents and sometimes pay for an advert. Well, that's good, you will engaging users and customers from social media. But when the followers are more than 50,000, owners have another issue where their reach is only about 3% of overall followers. Therefore, their messages to the customers sometimes not reached as intended. Well, this is the time the social make money by requiring owners to pay for more reach. At the same time, reportedly, customers from social media are needing more attention, thus as a customer, the quality is lower and leads to lower sales.
Okay, now we are into mobile apps. Really why?
First of all, mobile apps are fore loyal customers. Raving fan. They are waiting for your contents. This is the place we want to gather fans. Therefore owner can do more engagement with their raving fans. Compared to social media, the cost is more effective and possibly can increase the number of sales because of the better quality of customers.
Now apps are pretty powerful, why it is?
1. TREND: nowadays like stated before, we can not live without the smartphone, we are dying to connect on Whatsapp, Facebook and etc. We understand those apps are super-good, by making a super good app can also attract user into using other business apps that have the right ingredient for engaging customers.
Push notifications can help to reach your potential customers. The cost of push notification is almost zero, for those who subscribe for push notification. You may send unlimited push notifications for your raving customer, so they will never be missed your next content.
2. BRANDING: why not having your brand into your customer smartphone, they will remember you and will use you a lot when they find the app is easy to use, make their life easier, effective, fast, less buggy and works wonderfully.
3. SYSTEMIZE: you will have more system into your business. From online purchasing, events management, bookings etc. Everything is more systemize with mobile apps, the customer can sign-up we can make a profile of customers, the business owner can have more insights about their customers.
Alright, that are the key points why a business owner should have mobile apps. It's definitely not for all, but if you are in business growing category, definitely the quality mobile apps developer can help you to grow your business with the right mobile apps strategy.
And at iReka Soft we are striving to build quality apps, and more versatile, cross-platform with latest technologies like React Native so that the mobile apps maintainance can be lessen but the quality is great.
Thanks for reading and will see you on the next post.
Today, I would like to share something about trending in our society. We are living in the smartphone generation believe it or not. Now everyone has one, or more maybe, but people are very sticking with their smartphones. Well in that sense we understand that how much important smartphone plays roles in our life.
Because of that, as a business owner, don't you think that mostly your customers are like them. Yes, it's. With the right UIUX for your smartphone apps, making apps for your customer is a crucial path to succeed in having a mobile app. Not every app are created equal, the one with the best ingredient will win.
Let we zoom out a little bit, smartphone users are categorized into iOS and Android territories. About 84% of Android and 14% are on iOS in the world. iOS is powering the iPhones are the high-end segments, because the price of iPhone is relatively high. Especially the super high-end iPhone X, it's cost more than RM5000 a piece. And the other side, Android, also has the high-end segment, but it also sells mid and low-end segment. The cheapest one maybe you can get for RM300.
We understand that the duopoly of iOS and Android has segmented customer but both are important segments.
Now, why, and how it differs from another digital medium like a website and social media. We will go one by one.
When a customer Google something on the internet, and they find a website that is a quality customer. It's good because it's there because when they want to find them. However it's still lacking giving the latest information when they want to, and a customer will have a little issue to open the website easily.
Social media, it's the place where people want to pull more followers. It's a great place to obtain new customers. People usually will post great contents and sometimes pay for an advert. Well, that's good, you will engaging users and customers from social media. But when the followers are more than 50,000, owners have another issue where their reach is only about 3% of overall followers. Therefore, their messages to the customers sometimes not reached as intended. Well, this is the time the social make money by requiring owners to pay for more reach. At the same time, reportedly, customers from social media are needing more attention, thus as a customer, the quality is lower and leads to lower sales.
Okay, now we are into mobile apps. Really why?
First of all, mobile apps are fore loyal customers. Raving fan. They are waiting for your contents. This is the place we want to gather fans. Therefore owner can do more engagement with their raving fans. Compared to social media, the cost is more effective and possibly can increase the number of sales because of the better quality of customers.
Now apps are pretty powerful, why it is?
1. TREND: nowadays like stated before, we can not live without the smartphone, we are dying to connect on Whatsapp, Facebook and etc. We understand those apps are super-good, by making a super good app can also attract user into using other business apps that have the right ingredient for engaging customers.
Push notifications can help to reach your potential customers. The cost of push notification is almost zero, for those who subscribe for push notification. You may send unlimited push notifications for your raving customer, so they will never be missed your next content.
2. BRANDING: why not having your brand into your customer smartphone, they will remember you and will use you a lot when they find the app is easy to use, make their life easier, effective, fast, less buggy and works wonderfully.
3. SYSTEMIZE: you will have more system into your business. From online purchasing, events management, bookings etc. Everything is more systemize with mobile apps, the customer can sign-up we can make a profile of customers, the business owner can have more insights about their customers.
Alright, that are the key points why a business owner should have mobile apps. It's definitely not for all, but if you are in business growing category, definitely the quality mobile apps developer can help you to grow your business with the right mobile apps strategy.
And at iReka Soft we are striving to build quality apps, and more versatile, cross-platform with latest technologies like React Native so that the mobile apps maintainance can be lessen but the quality is great.
Thanks for reading and will see you on the next post.
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