Sunday, 1 July 2018

Hello July

Well it's July 2018, and it's officially the 2nd Half of 2018, and the 3rd quarter of 2018.

How were your last quarter and half doing?

So I personally think this year was a bit hard since I started learning new technologies such as React Native and Unity. And I think when you are new it's hard to get an industry-grade job. But rather to start with simple and small-scale jobs.

To get into industry-grade jobs, you may need to polish your skills until you get the mastery of able of doing much-unexcepted work that has been asked by clients.

In the other hands, I also learn self-development and business from various sources such as YouTube Channel by Dan Lok, he is very brutal in talking but straight to the point.

Afterall, I love using Sketch for designing, and love design user interface. I keep looking on Dribble or Pinterest to get more inspiration on user interface design.

I also will focus more into iOS development with more depth, I think iOS development is more competitive but also I have to be more creative to capture more attention for my apps.

OK, OK see you on the next post. Bye bye.

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