Monday, 7 January 2019

It's 2019

Welcome the new year of 2019.

It has been so thrilling inside information technology industry specifically in the mobile app industry.

Things are changing so rapidly, however understanding the core of technologies are more important, trends are something that is coming in and out. Understand what the technologies affect us and what the most efficient way to use technologies to bring benefits for us, human being.

Core technologies:

- Mobile app. It's built natively respectively for iOS and Android. However building with high-performance cross-platform solution like React Native make the app development and maintenance faster and save cost too.

- Back-end system that mobile apps talk too. It's become the logic and functionality of the apps. Especially service related apps.

- Online app administration. As app owner, we have a special portal to manage and send notifications to our users.

- Web tech, as ever-evolving web front-end which become app-like blazing fast, and beautiful UI. It becomes essential for most of the business owner to reach many people as possible through the web.

Everything else will always need the core technologies to get a life.

That's all from me, if you want to build an awesome app this year, we help you to plan, design, develop and maintain mobile apps.

iReka Soft

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